If you are here, it's because you are following my blog, Affordable Housing Today. Welcome to my first post! I've decided to write this blog because in my 30 plus year career in real estate, there has been one constant: affordability of housing and how impacts our society, our communities, and us individually. My career has spanned institutional real estate, residential brokerage, commercial brokerage, as well as investment and development. In all these areas of my career, affordability and affordable housing has been a driving topic. In this blog, I would like to address the issues surrounding affordable housing, keep you updated on affordable housing issues, news and developments, as well as present innovative methods and methodology that are currently being utilized. Best practices, as it were. I believe that I can offer unique insight on the affordable housing issue, as my career has covered many aspects of real estate. I've been on both the buying and selling side and I’ve watched as it has grown from a topic that was one of concern to a full-blown crisis, out of control. How do we address it? What is the role of government? What is the role of private industry? What is the role of technology? All of these things will be addressed in our blog, Affordable Housing Today.
